The NeoHub device contains system wide entities and configuration parameters


  • DST Rule: Select the rule that enables and disables DST automatically. Alternatively set DST on or off permanently. Only UK, EU and NZ rules are supported by heatmiser
  • NTP - enable or disable NTP (Network Time Protocol). When enabled, thermostat clocks should be synched automatically
  • Time Zone - The base timezone for the system

Helper Sensors/Entities

  • Away - whether the hub is away
  • Away End - if the hub is away and this date is set, then the hub will automatically turn off away mode at this time
  • Profile Format - The profile format in use
    • Non Programmable - Heating profiles are not used
    • 24HR mode - the same profile levels every day
    • 5/2 Day mode - Different levels for weekdays and weekends
    • 7 Day mode - Different levels every day
  • Profile Alt Timer Format - Only populated if the main Profile Format is Non Programmable. This format would be used by timer devices
  • Profile Heating Levels - Specifies the number of levels on heating profiles. It can be 4 or 6. Timer profiles are unaffected by this, they always have 4 levels

Diagnostic Entities

  • Identify - A button to flash an led on the hub
  • DST - whether DST is currently active or not
  • ZigBee Channel - reports the ZigBee channel being used for communication between the hub and devices